Ready to talk?
Let’s do it.
I’d love to find out what it’s like out there, in your particular world. I offer a complimentary initial consult—just a relaxed (and completely confidential) 45-minute conversation to see what’s up for you and whether/how I might be able to give you a hand with it.
Even if we ultimately decide you may be better served by other resources, just scheduling this session will help you take the first all-important step down the path—your path—to a more loving embrace of yourself.
As Goethe said, “Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
Just complete this simple form and I’ll get back to you ASAP to schedule a time to chat. Thanks!
““Chris Kisling is an outstanding Mentor and has helped me to feel comfortable as I’ve addressed personal concerns with him. I feel safe and supported when talking to Chris. I believe everyone can benefit from this process and I thank Chris for being there for me.””