What I Believe
[Some of My Make-Believes about How Stuff Works]
We're all always trying to take care of ourselves the best we can. Some of us have curious and less effective ways of doing that.
If I get upset simply because another judges me, it’s often because at some level I share in the judgment or fear that it might be true.
My core wounds may wear many disguises and show up in seemingly unrelated areas of my experience. If I can deal with my key triggers in one area, it will likely have a cascading impact across my life.
Approaching myself with compassion is more effective than approaching myself with shame and judgment. I can't judge myself out of judgment and unhappiness.
A culture’s sense of what is “natural” and “unnatural” is not so much given as constructed, often to support a specific worldview and value system.
Anger, malice, opposition, and righteous indignation are typically masks for fear.
There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Stay open and curious.
If I believe it's possible to change my life, I am correct. If I don't believe it's possible, or that it can only be done with great difficulty, I am also correct.
I have a better chance of changing another’s mind and heart if I first open mine.
“The small man builds cages for everyone he knows.
While the sage, who has to duck his head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the beautiful, rowdy prisoners”